Friday, April 5, 2013

"Your own best friend and worst enemy"

There are all types of "difficult" things that a person goes through in life. College, moving, divorce, child birth. Some say they hardest thing they ever did was bury a loved one. While I certainly can't argue with that I am often reminded of what a friend told me. She said that when life throws things at you (like a death) you get through it because you have no choice. You just go into "survival" mode and somehow make it through. However, voluntarily changing something in your life (like giving up an addiction) is extremely difficult because it's your choice. Example: Giving up pop (soda, whatever you call it). Yep it's hard, but it's made harder because you're craving it and it takes your will power to not give into that craving. You are your own best friend/mentor and worst enemy.

A few years ago I gave up an addiction (and it was really, really, really hard!) and I swore I would never be addicted to anything again - even though there are some good addictions - let's not talk about those right now. I really didn't think I was addicted to anything. I gave up caffeine (*gasp* that was a rough one. I gave up Pibb for 1 solid month then I allowed myself to drink one. I think I had an orgasm on the first swallow lol.). And while I enjoy a Pibb every so often, I do not have to have one. So I thought I was doing good - as far as addictions go.

Then, *Joy mildly suggested for me not to read blogs for "a while." (However long that is...) *Gasp* *Swoon* *Sigh* *Grab my head and scream in my mind, "NO!!!!!"* *Black spots begin to cloud my vision* *I begin to hyperventilate - Joy grabs the smelling salts as I put my head between my knees.* (Ok, that may or may not have happened. But I may or may not have panicked just a little as a knot formed in my throat.) Could I?

So I tried going one day without reading blogs. One. Day. Now don't get me wrong. If I'm having a crazy day, not reading blogs isn't really a problem. However, when I'm bored at work and am allowed to be on the Internet, not reading blogs is impossible unbelievably difficult. And it hit me. I'm addicted to reading blogs. What?? Granted, there are worse addictions, but...

How am I supposed to give up reading? How am I supposed to go weeks (?) without knowing what is going on on certain blogs? I don't consider myself nosey, but I am curious and if I can't read blogs, what ever will I do? I am so not trying to sound dramatic. (I sound like an old lady who watches her "stories" (a.k.a. soaps) everyday, lol.) This is going to be more difficult than I thought. I don't even know if I can do because I don't want to.

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